I'm designing an ANTLR grammar that needs to at least recognize numbers in exponential notation, variable identifiers, and strings. I'm running into an issue where the grammar recognizes 1E4 as if E starts an identifier, instead of recognizing it as a number in exponential notation. I'm testing this on ANTLR Lab (lab.antlr.org).
Here's the test grammar I'm using:
grammar prueba;
// Parser rules
program : (numeric_constant | identifier)* EOF;
numeric_constant : sign? number (EXPONENT sign? integer)? ;
number : integer ('.' integer?)? ;
integer : DIGIT+ ;
identifier : LETTER (LETTER | DIGIT)* ;
// Lexer rules
PLUS_SIGN : '+' ;
MINUS_SIGN : '-' ;
LETTER : [A-Za-z] ;
DIGIT : [0-9] ;
And I'm testing it with the input: 1E4, I'm getting the following error:
1:0 mismatched input '1' expecting {, '+', '-', ',', ';'}
Any insights on why it doesn't recognize 1E4 as a number and how to fix it?
What I tried:
I designed the grammar with the goal of identifying numbers in exponential notation like 1E4. I expected the grammar to recognize 1E4 as a numeric_constant, but instead, it seems to be treating E as the start of an identifier.
What I expected:
Given the input 1E4, I expected it to be parsed as a numeric_constant. However, the parser appears to be treating it as the beginning of an identifier, which isn't what I intended.
Click on the "Lexer" tab in the top-left in ANTLR Lab and delete the content.
You're specifying a combined lexer/parser grammar, but that Lexer spec is interfering.