I want to construct a multi-path CNN with 2 image inputs that each enter their own CNN and then the features are concatenated at the end. Right now I have something like this:
features & labels for 1st set of images: X (has features) y (labels)
features & labels for 2nd set of images (segmented): X_2 (has features) y_2 (has labels)
my code for the augmentation is this:
data_augmentation = tf.keras.Sequential()
and I want the CNN to look something like this: CNN model
both the 1st and 2nd set of images are the same size and are in the same order. The only difference is that the 2nd set are segmented. I want to apply the same data augmentation for both of them. Does anyone know how to do this?
I tried looking for some answers online, but most of the website I found that talk about multi input CNNS didn't use an augmentation layer so I'm stuck.
(See below for original answer)
I guess this Keras documentation is relevant to data augmentation in Keras. In particular, it mentions two options to use data augmentation layers: using it inside Model
and using it in the tf.data
Here is a rough (think of it as pseudo-code) example implementation using the second option.
Additionally, my personal preference would be to implement the Model
described in the question with a custom Model
for flexbility, but perhaps there are ways to do the same with higher-level Keras API.
In the following snippet, a custom Model
is set up and then the training dataset pipeline. It lacks the exact loading steps but should give a rough idea how to connect the dataset with a custom Model
import tensorflow as tf
class TwinCNN(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, name="TwinCNN"):
self.cnn_for_color = [
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(128, 3, padding="same"),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(128, 3, padding="same"),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(128, 3, padding="same"),
] # Some layers
self.cnn_for_segment = [
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, 3, padding="same"),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, 3, padding="same"),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, 3, padding="same"),
self.classifier = [
units=4, # seems there are 4 classes
def call(self, inputs, training):
color_image = inputs['color']
segment_image = inputs['segment']
color_fts = color_image
for ly in self.cnn_for_color:
color_fts = ly(color_fts, training=training)
segment_fts = segment_image
for ly in self.cnn_for_segment:
segment_fts = ly(segment_fts, training=training)
concat_fts = tf.concat([color_fts, segment_fts], axis=-1, name='concat_fts')
net = concat_fts
for ly in self.classifier:
net = ly(net, training=training)
return net # shape Nx4
# Your data augmentation layers
data_augmentation = tf.keras.Sequential()
def apply_augment_to_zipped(color_img, segment_img):
c_color = color_img.shape[-1] # Number of channels
concat_img = tf.concat([color_img, segment_img], axis=-1)
# **For your test/validation dataset, don't use augmentation!**
img_aug = data_augmentation(concat_img, training=True)
color_aug = img_aug[..., :c_color]
segment_aug = img_aug[..., c_color:]
return color_aug, segment_aug
def turn_image_tuple_to_dict(color_img, segment_img):
# Put the two images into a dict
return dict(color=color_img, segment=segment_img)
# Assuming ds_color and ds_segment has the *same* label, so we can take either one
ds_color_images = tf.data.Dataset(...) # Set up a dataset for color images
ds_labels = tf.data.Dataset(...) # Set up a dataset for labels
ds_segment_images = tf.data.Dataset(...) # Set up a dataset for segment images
ds_images = tf.data.Dataset.zip((ds_color_images, ds_segment_images)) # each entry will be a tuple of 2 images
ds_images_augmented = ds_images.map(apply_augment_to_zipped)
ds_images_augmented = ds_images_augmented.map(turn_image_tuple_to_dict)
ds_train = tf.data.Dataset.zip((ds_images_augmented, ds_labels)) # The training set
# NOTE: for a validation dataset, we should skip the augmentation (i.e. don't call apply_augment_to_zipped)
model = TwinCNN()
# TODO: select an optimizer,
# TODO: model.compile(optimizer)
ds_train, # TODO: other training settings
Since the two datasets are of the same size, one can use
ds = tf.data.Dataset.zip((ds1, ds2))
to create a dataset where each entry is a pair of images say (x, x2)
. Then one could do something like
ds = ds.map(lambda x, x2: tf.concat([x, x2], axis=-1))
To merge x
and x2
into a single tensor which fits better for the augmentation layers.
Assuming the number of channels is constant for each x
(say 3 channels) and each x2
(say 1 channel), the augmented result can be sliced out afterwards:
x_aug = input_tensor[..., :3]
x2_aug = input_tensor[..., 3:4]
As a side note, it would be better if the question is more detailed. For example, it would be helpful to provide some code or pseudo-code to explain how exactly the data should flow in the "multi-path CNN" and what sort of data augmentation is being attempted.