After adding alias
to Azure CLI I get this error when trying to use it:
Unable to load extension 'alias: cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'markupsafe' (/home/anyuser/.azure/cliextensions/alias/markupsafe/'. Use --debug for more information. 'alias' is misspelled or not recognized by the system.
azure-cli 2.51.0
core 2.51.0
telemetry 1.1.0
alias 0.5.2
After learning that a corresponding issue had no resolution yet, related issues where pointing to a compatibility problem with version 2.1.x of markupsafe
library, I created and applied this script as a quick fix to patch version 2.0.1 on the extension:
set -e
extpath=`az extension list --query "[?name=='alias'].path" -o tsv`
wget$version.tar.gz -O ~/markupsafe-$version.tar.gz
tar xvf ~/markupsafe-$version.tar.gz -C ~
cp ~/markupsafe-$version/src/markupsafe/* $extpath/markupsafe