Is there a way to get data from a table e.g.
axis0 axis1 value
0 0 2
1 1 1
0 1 3
into an (image) array
[[2 3]
[nan 1]]
using vectorized operations or something like that? And yes, in the data some points are missing and there should then be nan or equivalent.
Now I am doing that with a for loop inserting values into an array having all values nan but when there are more data, it is quite slow to process the data...
Option 1: Create a empty array with the desired shape then update the values in the arr using the information from dataframe
x, y = df[['axis0', 'axis1']].max() + 1
arr = np.full((x, y), np.nan)
arr[df['axis0'], df['axis1']] = df['value']
Option 2: Pivot the dataframe on axis columns then reindex to ensure the proper shape then convert to numpy
x, y = df[['axis0', 'axis1']].max() + 1
.pivot(index='axis0', columns='axis1', values='value')
.reindex(index=range(x), columns=range(y))
array([[ 2., 3.],
[nan, 1.]])