I have ACR i.e., myregistry
in production-network-group
and I was creating container apps in dev-network-group
, uat-network-group
and prod-network-group
Currently, I was trying to connect with myregistry
from dev, uat networks using credentials as shown below,
How to use Azure container Registry
as image source instead of Docker Hub or other registries
? How to provide access of my ACR to all of the dev
and uat
container apps?
There is no issue for prod, I can use Azure Container Registry
as image source as they both are in same network.
Any kind of workarounds to solve this issue are appreciable.
How to provide access of ACR to Azure container apps which are not in same network group: -
You can create Private endpoints which allow you to access the container registry directly from your virtual network using a private IP address.
After a workaround on your issue, I found below approach to access ACR from other virtual networks.
Goto container registry
>> Networking
>> Choose selected networks and enable firewall by adding which IP addresses to block (if required) >> Enable allow access from trusted
>> Click on save.
Alternatively, you can create a identity to the ACR and add the required permissions to the specific managed identity as shown in MSDoc.
I've created an identity and added permissions using AzCLI
az identity create --resource-group <resourcegroup> --name newcrj
uid=$(az identity create --resource-group <resourcegroup> --name newcrj --query id --output tsv)
spid=$(az identity show --resource-group <resourcegroup> --name newcrj --query principalId --output tsv)
az role assignment create --assignee $spid --scope $uid --role acrpull
After a discussion and workaround on your issue, I found that there is no possibility of attaching ACR to the container app without using credentials if it is a private registry.
I tried with all the deployment methods and each deployment is prompting for user credentials for private registries.