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pytube resolution Parameter not working (Python)

I tried to write a YouTube video downloader with choosen quality with Python

import pytube 
from pytube import YouTube

videoURL = input("Enter Your Video Link : ")
videoRes = input ("Enter Your Quality : ")
try :
    yt= YouTube(videoURL)
    print ("Downloading...")
    stream = yt.streams.filter(file_extension='mp4', resolution=videoRes).download(output_path="C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop")
    print("Download Successfully !")
except :
    print("Please enter right link ")

And this is the Terminal output:

Enter Your Video Link :
Enter Your Quality : 144p
Please enter right link


  • I resolved this error by adding the first() method to the stream variable.

    import pytube 
    from pytube import YouTube
    videoURL = input("Enter Your Video Link : ")
    videoRes = input ("Enter Your Quality : ")
    try :
        yt= YouTube(videoURL)
        print ("Downloading...")
        stream = yt.streams.filter(file_extension='mp4', resolution=videoRes).first().download(output_path="C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop")
        print("Download Successfully !")
    except :
        print("Please enter right link ")