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Is it possible to use SAML for the WebClient of Dynamics NAV 2017?

My Company is using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 and is preparing to switch to BC in a few years (what ever that means). For now we still want to put in some work in Nav2017. Here I was asked to setup the WebClient and use SAML for authentication. I successfully created an IIS and worked out the delegation to the testserver. I could connect to the Webclient when using User and Password. But my company wants me to use SSO, SAML if possible. We are using an Azure AD App Proxy and there you have the possibility to use SAML for localy used Apps. But well for that I would need the entitiy-ID, which means I would have to setup the NAV-Server first to be able to use SAML. So how do I do that? Any documentation or anything at all? Anyone ever done this? Is that even possible in the first place? If its not possible to use SAML, what about other SSO methods? And before you ask, yes we have backups and yes, tested them already and they work. I am using a testserver with testinstances, neither the productive server nor the productive instance to play around.

searching for SAML SSO in combination with NAV2017 but no results. Only saw some sort of ms365 authentication but didnt read a lot about that, because my focus for now was on SAML.


  • It seems like everything you need to configure is described here.