I want to use Grafana Agent to send metrics to Prometheus. I installed Grafana Agent (version 0.34) in static mode, started it and configured it, but Prometheus (version 2.24.0) doesn't receive any metrics from Grafana Agent.
I use the example configuration, see Integrations. I only replaced localhost
with the IP address of the machine running Prometheus.
wal_directory: /tmp/wal
- url:
enabled: true
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus systemd[1]: Started Monitoring system and forwarder.
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.934501653Z caller=server.go:191 level=info msg="server listening on addresses" http= grpc=
1 http_tls_enabled=false grpc_tls_enabled=false
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.935000668Z caller=node.go:85 level=info agent=prometheus component=cluster msg="applying config"
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.935158879Z caller=remote.go:180 level=info agent=prometheus component=cluster msg="not watching the KV, none set"
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.936021874Z caller=zapadapter.go:78 level=info component=traces msg="Traces Logger Initialized"
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.939769201Z caller=reporter.go:103 level=info msg="running usage stats reporter"
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.942906407Z caller=wal.go:211 level=info agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 msg="replaying WAL
, this may take a while" dir=/tmp/wal/b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2/wal
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.943101908Z caller=wal.go:260 level=info agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 msg="WAL segment l
oaded" segment=0 maxSegment=2
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.945060553Z caller=wal.go:260 level=info agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 msg="WAL segment l
oaded" segment=1 maxSegment=2
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.945229786Z caller=wal.go:260 level=info agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 msg="WAL segment l
oaded" segment=2 maxSegment=2
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.946371012Z caller=dedupe.go:112 agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 component=remote level=inf
o remote_name=b93947-21c28b url= msg="Starting WAL watcher" queue=b93947-21c28b
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.946418916Z caller=dedupe.go:112 agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 component=remote level=inf
o remote_name=b93947-21c28b url= msg="Starting scraped metadata watcher"
Jul 13 11:51:19 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:19.946532386Z caller=dedupe.go:112 agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 component=remote level=inf
o remote_name=b93947-21c28b url= msg="Replaying WAL" queue=b93947-21c28b
Jul 13 11:51:37 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:37.559384828Z caller=dedupe.go:112 agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 component=remote level=inf
o remote_name=b93947-21c28b url= msg="Done replaying WAL" duration=17.612896148s
Jul 13 11:51:39 prometheus grafana-agent[28095]: ts=2023-07-13T11:51:39.981665238Z caller=dedupe.go:112 agent=prometheus instance=b9394761ac53f9217ed8581af212bcd2 component=remote level=war
n remote_name=b93947-21c28b url= msg="Failed to send batch, retrying" err="Post \"\": dial tcp
09: connect: connection refused"
I checked the port on the machine running Prometheus and there is no open port 9009
$ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 9009
I read Starting Prometheus:
Prometheus should start up. You should also be able to browse to a status page about itself at http://localhost:9090.
So the default port of Prometheus is 9090
. I replaced 9009
with 9090
, but I still get no metrics.
I read HTTP API:
The current stable HTTP API is reachable under /api/v1 on a Prometheus server.
So the API is at /api/v1
, not at /api/
. I replaced /api/prom/push
with /api/v1/prom/push
, but I still get no metrics.
How to configure Grafana Agent to send metrics to Prometheus?
I read Remote Write Receiver:
Prometheus can be configured as a receiver for the Prometheus remote write protocol. This is not considered an efficient way of ingesting samples. Use it with caution for specific low-volume use cases. It is not suitable for replacing the ingestion via scraping and turning Prometheus into a push-based metrics collection system.
Enable the remote write receiver by setting
. When enabled, the remote write receiver endpoint is/api/v1/write
. Find more details here.New in v2.33
So I had to upgrade Prometheus and change its service configuration. Also I had to change the URL in Grafana Agent's configuration.
Prometheus' service configuration
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP \$MAINPID
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prometheus \
--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
--storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus \
--web.console.templates=/opt/prometheus/consoles \
--web.console.libraries=/opt/prometheus/console_libraries \
--web.listen-address= \
--web.route-prefix=/ \
Grafana Agent's configuration
wal_directory: /tmp/wal
- url:
enabled: true