I am using dash-leaflet and I want to increase the area around my features in which they become clickable.
As far as I understood, in leaflet this is possible with the canvas renderer and its option "tolerance".
However, I could not find out how to activate the canvas renderer and how to set this option.
In dash-leaflet==1.0.0
and later, you can pass a renderer
argument to the Map
object, where you can specify such options. Here is a small example with a (huge) custom tolerance,
from dash import Dash, html, Output, Input
import dash_leaflet as dl
app = Dash()
app.layout = html.Div([
dl.Polyline(positions=[[57, 10], [57, 11], [56, 11]], id="path")
], center=[56, 10], zoom=6, style={'height': '50vh'}, renderer=dict(method="canvas", options=dict(tolerance=100))),
@app.callback(Output("log", "children"), Input("path", "n_clicks"))
def log(n_clicks):
return f"You clicked the path {n_clicks if n_clicks else 0} times"
if __name__ == '__main__':