I have a directory with over 600 mp4 files in it and a few directories. I am trying to loop through the files and determine if the file is a directory or not and get the filesize. The problem is that is_dir and filesize take WAY to long when getting this info for large files (>2GB). Is there an efficient way to do this? in my example code I have commented out filesize and is_dir and then I get the array back in a few seconds. Otherwise it takes forever.
while ($file = readdir($directory)) {
if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != '$RECYCLE.BIN'){
I had the same need as you and solved it with a workaround.
Instead of checking if $file is a directory, I checked if the file $file.'\..' exists.
This second approach is much faster (empirical testing at least).
So your code can be rewritten like this:
$files = array();
$directory = opendir($dir);
while ($file = readdir($directory))
if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != '$RECYCLE.BIN' && file_exists($directory.'\\'.$file.'\\..') )
// do things...