I have this following example dataset with two variables (Ip and Ge) that could contains one, two (or more) values separated by ";". Each value in Ip is associated to the value of Ge following their order (ex: line3: Abri is associated with Ibr, and Echo is associated with Tyh)
Data_test= data.frame(Ip=c("Abri", "Abri", "Abri;Echo", "Echo", "Abri;Abri", "Echo;Abri", "Abri", "Abri;Abri;Echo", "Abri;Abri"),
Ge=c("Aju", "Jlt", "Ibr;Tyh", "Rtj", "Ekm;Bty", "Itz;Orv", "Adr", "Dhu;Vfr;Lnh", "Tde;Ijp"),
Ca=c(2,13,4,2, 4, 6, 13, 13, 4), Mp=c(5,5,4,3,10,1,17, 15, 2))
Ip Ge Ca Mp
1 Abri Aju 2 5
2 Abri Jlt 13 5
3 Abri;Echo Ibr;Tyh 4 4
4 Echo Rtj 2 3
5 Abri;Abri Ekm;Bty 4 10
6 Echo;Abri Itz;Orv 6 1
7 Abri Adr 13 17
8 Abri;Abri;Echo Dhu;Vfr;Lnh 13 15
9 Abri;Abri Tde;Ijp 4 2
I would like to extract in another variable, the values in Ge depending on the value in Ip, Ca and Mp following these rules:
-> (1) Extract all values associated with Echo
-> (2) Extract all values associated with Abri and (with Ca>9 and/or Mp>8)
The output would be
> Output_test
Ip Ge Ca Mp Outpout
1 Abri Aju 2 5 <NA>
2 Abri Jlt 13 5 Jlt
3 Abri;Echo Ibr;Tyh 4 4 Tyh
4 Echo Rtj 2 3 Rtj
5 Abri;Abri Ekm;Bty 4 10 Ekm;Bty
6 Echo;Abri Itz;Orv 6 1 Itz
7 Abri Adr 13 17 Adr
8 Abri;Abri;Echo Dhu;Vfr;Lnh 13 15 Dhu;Vfr;Lnh
9 Abri;Abri Tde;Ijp 4 2 <NA>
I tried to do that using mutate and ifelse, but I dont know how to deal with the case when Ip and Ge contain more than one values. Any help will be appreciated
Data_test %>%
mutate(Output=ifelse(Ip=="Echo", Ge,
ifelse(Ip=="Abri" & (Ca>9 | Mp>8), Ge,
ifelse( , , ))))
Using pmap()
and g
and g
Data_test |>
mutate(i = strsplit(Ip, ";"),
g = strsplit(Ge, ";"),
Output = pmap_chr(list(i, g, Ca, Mp), \(i, g, a, m) g[i == "Echo" | (i == "Abri" & (a > 9 | m > 8))] %>% paste(collapse = ";") %>% {ifelse(. == "", NA, .)})) |>
select(-i, -g)
# A tibble: 9 × 5
Ip Ge Ca Mp Output
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 Abri Aju 2 5 NA
2 Abri Jlt 13 5 Jlt
3 Abri;Echo Ibr;Tyh 4 4 Tyh
4 Echo Rtj 2 3 Rtj
5 Abri;Abri Ekm;Bty 4 10 Ekm;Bty
6 Echo;Abri Itz;Orv 6 1 Itz
7 Abri Adr 13 17 Adr
8 Abri;Abri;Echo Dhu;Vfr;Lnh 13 15 Dhu;Vfr;Lnh
9 Abri;Abri Tde;Ijp 4 2 NA