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Yup schema - Numbers less than 10 to have a trailing 0

In Yup I have this schema:

const ticketVSchema = yup.object({
        team: yup
            .required('The number is required')

I need a condition to ensure if the user enters 0-9, it errors asking for a trailing 0, anything else is fine.

Any ideas?



  • You can write a custom .test() function that handles this logic.

    const ticketVSchema = yup.object({
      team: yup
        .test("is not 0-9", "asking for a trailing 0", value => {
          if (value && value > -1 && value < 10) {
            return false;
          return true;
        .required("The number is required")
    ticketVSchema.isValidSync({team: 5}); // false
    ticketVSchema.isValidSync({team: 10}); // true