I am having this PHPStan error on our vendor files Command and Logger:
------ ---------------------------------------------
Line ../www-vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php
------ ---------------------------------------------
378 Syntax error, unexpected ')' on line 378
------ --------------------------------------------
------ --------------------------------------------
Line ../www-vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Log/Logger.php
------ --------------------------------------------
81 Syntax error, unexpected ')' on line 81
------ --------------------------------------------
And when I try to add these files on the excludePaths
, it still not excludes those paths.
- ../www-vendor/autoload.php
- app
- Rex
- tests/Rex
- tests/acceptance
- tests/development
- tests/helpers
- utils
// other excluded paths
- ../www-vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php
- ../www-vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Log/Logger.php
I also tried to add the error messages to the ignoreErrors
but PHPStan won't allow this kind of error to be ignored
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Error message "Syntax error, unexpected ')' on line 378" cannot be ignored, use excludePaths instead.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is our file structure:
- src
// other project files
- phpstan.neon
- www-vendor // our vendor files
Upgrade PHPStan to support PHP 8.1 syntax. Thanks to @apokryfos