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I want to remove folder src/test/java from my Karate project but on removing no test cases are getting executed

I am a beginner in Karate so I have been making a Karate Project and I want to remove src/test/java and put all files and folders in a single folder, let's say 'test-folder'. The test cases were running fine before but on replacing src/test/java with 'test-folder', no test files get executed. It shows ' No sources to compile' and 'Build Success'.

I changed the test directory name in pom.xml also but still the problem persists.

pom.xml :-

` <groupId>com.mycompany</groupId>



                    <karate.options>--tags ~@ignore</karate.options>



  • What you are doing is not supported. As a beginner, I suggest you stick to standard patterns, refer to the examples: