is a Perl script for renaming multiple files. I was wondering how rename
does its job, and it all seems to bog down to this line (if it is renaming a file):
$sub->() for ($file);
If the substitution command passed from the command line is 's/\.bak$//'
, is my understanding correct that this is what is happening internally please?
$ perl
$code = 's/\.bak$//'
$eval = eval "sub { $code }"
$sub = $eval
$sub->() for ('a.b.c.bak')
The actual renaming is done further down:
What you posted is an approximation of the code that calculates the new name based on the user-provided code. A better approximation:
my $code = 's/\.bak$//'
my $sub = eval "sub { $code }"
my @args = 'a.b.c.bak';
for (@args) { # Aliases `$_` to the array element.
my $was = $_;
$sub->(); # Probably changes `$_`.
say "$was => $_"; # The rename would happen here.
If we inline the sub, we get
my @args = 'a.b.c.bak';
for (@args) { # Aliases `$_` to the array element.
my $was = $_;
s/\.bak$//; # Changes `$_`.
say "$was => $_"; # The rename would happen here.