How can I avoid calling the function I'm testing in two different places when writing table-driven tests where some of the tests should raise but others should not?
This is what I want to do but it fails passing None
to assertRaises
tests = [
(0, None),
(1, None),
(-1, TooFewException),
(99, None),
(100, TooManyException),
for n, exc in tests:
with self.assertRaises(exc):
results = my_code(n)
assert len(results) == n
The best I have come up with is this but the redundant call to my_code
is bothering me:
tests = [
(0, None),
(1, None),
(-1, TooFewException),
(99, None),
(100, TooManyException),
for n, exc in tests:
if exc is not None:
with self.assertRaises(exc):
results = my_code(n)
assert len(results) == n
After adding a helper func on our base test case using the answer from @AmuroRay this is now:
tests = [
(0, None),
(1, None),
(-1, TooFewException),
(99, None),
(100, TooManyException),
for n, exc in tests:
with self.assertRaisesUnlessNone(exc):
results = my_code(n)
assert len(results) == n
has nullcontext()
which can accomplish this. It's not really using fewer lines (without an ugly one-liner branch), but it eliminates the second user-code call:
from contextlib import nullcontext
for n, exc in tests:
if exc is None:
cm = nullcontext()
cm = self.assertRaises(exc)
with cm:
results = my_code(n)
assert len(results) == n