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Sign in with apple user migration invalid_request

I am transferring my iOS app to another developer account.

On my app, i am using Firebase along with Apple Sign in to sign in my users. I am following this (uncomplete) documentation to try to manage the Apple Sign in migration.

I am blocked at step 2 : calling the endpoint.

Apple returns a invalid_request response, probably because i have no idea what is the sub parameter :

enter image description here

Is it the user ID in the Apple database ? In that case, how can i get it from Firebase ? I have tried to use the Firebase User ID as this parameter but i am getting the invalid_request message.

I am really confused about what is going wrong here. Here is my request using Postman :

enter image description here

Thanks a lot in advance

Note : i have also tried sub: (old Team ID) which is also not working


  • Two things to know about this question :

    • Sign in with Apple migration is not necessary when using Firebase and being the owner of the two Apple Developer accounts

    • The sub parameter is the user id generated by Apple when they first use the Sign in With apple