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Is it possible to add WAF to ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService using AWS CDK

I've picked up a project that uses ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService, deployed via CDK, and I need to protect this with a WAF. Is it possible to add WAF to the load balancer or is the only way to put this behind CloudFront?

I think if I created the WebACL directly through the AWS Console I could then select object such as load balancers to apply it to, but not sure if that would include the ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService instances.


  • Yes, the CDK can associate a WAF ACL with an ALB.

    The CDK AWS::WAFv2 Construct Library exposes the CfnWebACL to create the ACL and the CfnWebACLAssociation to associate the WebACL with your ALB. These are so-called L1 constructs. They correspond 1:1 to CloudFormation equivalents.

    You need to pass the ALB Arn to the association as the resourceArn. You can get the Arn from your ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService construct, which has a property loadBalancer.loadBalancerArn.

    const cfnWebACLAssociation = new wafv2.CfnWebACLAssociation(this, 'MyCfnWebACLAssociation', {
      resourceArn: myAlbFargateService.loadBalancer.loadBalancerArn,
      webAclArn: myCfnWebAcl.attrArn,