I have 10 AGVs(TransporterFleet) moving on a guided path. I created functions to return random time and duration for AGV's error. All functions and event were created in AGV, not main() because I want each AGV to have their own random error and error duration.
Problem: The AGV does move as if nothing happens, same speed, no sleep.
Expect: Each AGV should stop when model time = nextTimeToFailure and stop for nextFailureDuration seconds. When an AGV stops, sleep function should not stop other AGVs.
Current set up:
double timeToFailure = exponential(0, 60, 0, 10);
return timeToFailure;
double duration = exponential(0, 15, 0, 3);
return duration;
Then I have an event to trigger on condition: time() == nextTimeToFailure
if(nextTimeToFailure == 0){
System.out.println("nextFailureDuration is 0 ");
nextTimeToFailure = time() + timeToFailure();
nextFailureDuration = failureDuration();
setSpeed(reducedSpeed()); //reduceSpeed() function return 0
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("got interrupted!");
nextTimeToFailure = Double.NaN;
nextFailureDuration = Double.NaN;
nextTimeToFailure = time() + timeToFailure();
nextFailureDuration = failureDuration();
NEVER use condition-based events at all, they work differently than you think (fairly advanced concepts under the hood).
Instead, simply setup a statechart or Dynamic Event to regularly trigger every timeToFailure
For Dynamic Event:
create_myDE(timeToFailure(), MINUTE);
(or whatever time unit timeToFailure()
returns in)nextTimeToFailure
This will recreate failure events again and again, and they will trigger 100% "on time"
However, the state-chart approach is a more visual and elegant way, check the example models, there are tons that show how to use it for failures.
Or use the "Downtime" block