I am able to list the filters for a specified topic subscription. And for each filter to see the rules. Snippet:
from azure.servicebus.management import ServiceBusAdministrationClient, CorrelationRuleFilter servicebus_mgmt_client = ServiceBusAdministrationClient.from_connection_string(CONNECTION_STR) for rule_properties in servicebus_mgmt_client.list_rules(TOPIC_NAME, SUBSCRIPTION_NAME): print(rule_properties)
This returns something like: {'name': 'customer', 'filter': <azure.servicebus.management._models.CorrelationRuleFilter object at 0x104877760>, 'action': None, 'created_at_utc': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 17, 12, 59, 8, 164754, tzinfo=<isodate.tzinfo.Utc object at 0x1047d2b80>)}
Questions: 1- How do I see the specifics of the filter? I want to know its type ("CorrelationFilter"), and its Custom Properties (key/value).
2- How do I create a rule? Something like:
servicebus_mgmt_client.create_rule(TOPIC_NAME, SUBSCRIPTION_NAME, myfilter)
But what should be the syntax of myfilter? I suspect it has something to with the CorrelationRuleFilter.
Nothing in the Microsoft GitHub ServiceBusAdministrationClient documentation about creating or deleting filters in a subscription. Various Google answers, either in .NET or outdated.
Otherwise, reading messages, listing subscriptions, checking the DLQ, all works.
With the sample code below able to create a Rule 'new-rule' with filter 'CorrelationRuleFilter' created.
from azure.servicebus.management import (
CONNECTION_STR = "Endpoint=sb://hedwig-servicebus-prod.servicebus.windows.net/;"
TOPIC_NAME = "rules-output"
SUBSCRIPTION_NAME = "notificationengine-ts"
def view_filter_details(filter):
print(f"Filter Type: {type(filter).__name__}")
if isinstance(filter, CorrelationRuleFilter):
print("Custom Properties:")
for key, value in filter.properties.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
def main():
servicebus_mgmt_client = ServiceBusAdministrationClient.from_connection_string(
for rule_properties in servicebus_mgmt_client.list_rules(
print(f"Rule Name: {rule_properties['name']}")
new_filter = CorrelationRuleFilter(correlation_id="my-correlation-id")
new_rule_name = "new-rule"
TOPIC_NAME, SUBSCRIPTION_NAME, new_rule_name, filter=new_filter
print(f"Rule '{new_rule_name}' with filter '{type(new_filter).__name__}' created.")
if __name__ == "__main__":