I have lint.xml file
<issue id="AdapterViewChildren" severity="warning" />
<issue id="OnClick" severity="error" />
<issue id="StopShip" severity="fatal" />
by default StopShip lint rule is disabled. --> StopShip is just an example I have all the rules in lint.xml file as listed http://tools.android.com/tips/lint-checks
Below is my lint options
lintOptions {
// If set to true, turns off analysis progress reporting by lint.
isQuiet = true
// if set to true (default), stops the build if errors are found.
isAbortOnError = false
// Returns whether lint will only check for errors (ignoring warnings)
isIgnoreWarnings = false
* Whether lint should include all output (e.g. include all alternate locations, not truncating
* long messages, etc.)
isShowAll = true
* Whether lint should ignore all test sources. This is like [isCheckTestSources], but always
* skips analyzing tests -- meaning that it also ignores checks that have explicitly asked to
* look at test sources, such as the unused resource check.
isIgnoreTestSources = true
* Whether lint should check for fatal errors during release builds. Default is true. If issues
* with severity "fatal" are found, the release build is aborted.
isCheckReleaseBuilds = false
var workingDir = File("$projectDir").parentFile
lintConfig = File("$workingDir/lint.xml")
When I run the lint rules report is generated however, it shows few lint checks are disabled. Do I need to explicitly add enable("xyz","abc",...) (where xyz, abc ... are default disabled) tag in lintOptions ? I have already listed default disabled lint checks in lint.xml config file
Any help is much appreciated.
Yes, you must enable them in app/build.gradle
or some appropriate high-level Gradle config:
lint {
enable += "StopShip"
doesn't seem to be able to enable/disable specific rules, which is sad as it forces lint configuration to be spread out across the codebase.
Also, note specifically about StopShip
In Gradle projects, this is only checked for non-debug (release) builds.