Hello I am trying to provision resources on Infoblox using terraform. It looks like proxy is blocking the ip. How do I set no proxy in my terraform config?
provider "infoblox" {
username = "The username here"
password = "The password here"
server = ""
terraform {
required_providers {
infoblox = {
source = "infobloxopen/infoblox"
version = "2.4.1"
Error Message
│ Error: Creation of network block failed in network view (default) : WAPI request error: 502('502 Connection timed out')
│ Contents:
│ <HEAD><TITLE>Connection timed out</TITLE></HEAD>
│ <BODY BGCOLOR="white" FGCOLOR="black"><H1>Connection timed out</H1><HR>
│ <FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial"><B>
│ Description: Connection timed out</B></FONT>
│ <HR>
│ <!-- default "Connection timed out" response (502) -->
│ </BODY>
When I do a curl, it works using the command below
export no_proxy=
curl -kvv -u username:password -c cookies.txt -X GET ""
Also, when I run the above configuration in an environment with no proxy issue. It works
Please set the NO_PROXY as well
export NO_PROXY=