Which one is fastest in C to do the L1-norm?
float x = fabsf(-3.0f);
float x = -1.0f * (-3.0f);
Both return the number x = 3
depends on the library used.
Some use the x86 instruction "fabs" as in Apple's fabfs implementation:
#define __FABSF(x) \
({ \
float __value, __arg = (x); \
asm volatile ("fabs %0,%1" : "=f" (__value): "f" (__arg)); \
__value; \
just clear the negative bit using a bitmask, as in
float fabsf(const float x) _MATH_REENTRANT
FS_STATIC union float_long fl;
fl.f = x;
fl.l &= 0x7fffffff;
return fl.f;
or ReactOS
/* Load the value as uint */
unsigned int u32 = *(unsigned int*)&x;
/* Clear the sign bit */
u32 &= ~(1 << 31);
/* Check for NAN */
if (u32 > 0x7F800000)
/* Set error bit */
*(unsigned int*)&x |= 0x00400000;
return x;
/* Convert back to float */
return *(float*)&u32;
and no doubt some multiply by -1.
so you'll have to write your own benchmark and tell us!