Passing "SELECT"-based SQL queries works. But passing "DELETE"- or "GRANT"-based SQL executed in python without error but makes no change to my database (python 3.8, sqlalchemy 2.0.10). These "DELETE" and "GRANT" queries worked in Python 3.6, sqlalchemy 1.3.23. I could be missing something, but I don't see anything in the sqlalchemy docs/change notes to indicate that this "DELETE" or "GRANT" functionality should be lost.
Here is an example that might shed light on where I'm going wrong. After initializing the engine (where I use '' to indicate some arbitrary input):
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import text
db_name = '<insert_db_name>'
port = ':<insert_port>/'
host = '<insert_host_endpoint>'
username = '<insert_username>'
password = '<insert_password>'
engine = create_engine('postgresql_psycopg2://'+username+':'+
I am able read and write through connection.execute or even pandas. Something like the following works just fine (reading with pandas, writing with pandas, reading with .execute):
import pandas as pd
query_1 = "SELECT * from '<schema>'.'<table_name>'"
df = pd.read_sql(sql_query, engine)
df.to_sql(name = '<new_table_name>', con = engine, schema = <'schema'>)
with engine.connect() as con:
con.execute(text("SELECT * from schema.'<new_table_name>'))
Passing GRANT- or DELETE-based SQL through the .execute runs in Python without errors, but there are no changes to the database--as if the Python script never ran. The following examples run in Python without error but I get no effect in the database:
query_2 = "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE '<schema>'.'<table_name>' TO <'some_user'>"
query_3 = "DELETE FROM '<schema>'.'<table_name>' WHERE <some condition>"
with engine.connect() as con:
Again, this same code worked in Python 3.6/sqlalchemy 1.3.23 (removing the sqlalchemy "text()" as it wasn't necessary in older versions as described in sqlalchemy change notes).
You can add turn on AUTOCOMMIT
when initializing the engine or you can explicitly commit the changes to your database by modifying your code to include the COMMIT
query_2 = "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE '<schema>'.'<table_name>' TO <'some_user'>"
query_3 = "DELETE FROM '<schema>'.'<table_name>' WHERE <some condition>"
with engine.connect() as con: