not enough reputation to post images in a question, here is the plot
Plot was generated by
df <- ToothGrowth
bxp <- ggboxplot(df, x= "dose", y = "len", fill = "dose")
stat.test1 <- compare_means(
len ~ dose, data = df,
method = "t.test"
stat.test1 <- stat.test1 %>%
mutate(y.position = c(29, 35, 39))
p <- bxp + stat_pvalue_manual(stat.test1, label = "p.adj") +
scale_y_break(c(10, 10.5), scale = 2)
I would like to add p-value with ggpubr onto a plot created with ggbreak, but when using both, the "y.position" appears and I cannot remove them. do need to break the plot into sections and scale them using ggbreak, and I do need a y-axis title Any help will be greatly appreciated.