I wonder if there is a possibility for pytest-timeout(or any other solution) to fail timed out test instead of dropping whole run? Pytest-timeout has timeout method signal which accomplishes exactly what I need but only on Unix systems. Is there anything that might give me same behaviour on windows?
You can create your own timeout decorator
from threading import Thread
import functools
def timeout(seconds):
def deco(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
res = [Exception('function [%s] timeout [%s seconds] exceeded!' % (func.__name__, seconds))]
def new_func():
res[0] = func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
res[0] = e
t = Thread(target=new_func)
t.daemon = True
except Exception as je:
print('error starting thread')
raise je
ret = res[0]
if isinstance(ret, BaseException):
raise ret
return ret
return wrapper
return deco
def test_x():