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perl process inlude files recursively

I would like to process files recursively.

I have a config file, and this config file can include an "include" statement. Once the include-statment is identified, the file shall be processed. It could happen, that in the file processed again an include-statement can show up.

So something like this:

  • config file
  • process lines of first level
  • include file (process now)
    • process line of second level
    • -include file (process now) - process and close
    • process further lines of second level
    • close file
  • process more lines of first level
  • close file

For this to manage I have created a subroutine: Update ---- call for sub updated!

my $av_fn_FH;
my $av_tmp_LINE;
my @av_arr_FN;
sub processfile
  open($av_fn_FH, "<", "$_[0]")
  while($av_tmp_LINE = readline($av_fn_FH)) 
    if ( substr($av_tmp_LINE,0,7) eq "include" )
      @av_arr_FN = split(" ", $av_tmp_LINE); # get the filename from the include statement
      processfile($av_arr_FN[1]); # process the include file
    # do something with "normal" lines

This recursive calling of the subroutine does not work. Once comming back from the subroutine the HANDLE is reported as closed.

The docu for the open statement says: "Associates an internal FILEHANDLE with the external file specified by EXPR." I expected the FILEHANDLE as unique!

I would apreciate some hints how to get this done!


  • Your filehandle is declared outside of the subroutine; so you over-write the value when you open a new config file, and then close it.

    sub processfile
        open(my $fh, "<", $_[0])
            or die "Can't open $_[0]: $!";
        while(my $line = readline($fh)) { 
            if ($line =~ /^include\s+(\S+)/) {
                # $1 is the filename after "include "
                processfile($1);   # process the include filename
                next; # skip "normal" stuff below
            # do something with "normal" lines
        close($fh); # optional; closes anywhen when $fh goes out of scope

    In general, you want to declare your variables in as small a scope as possible where they're actually used.