I'm using AG Grid community edition, and I have a (likely) silly react problem. I have column groups where some columns are hidden until you click the column group header. I'm implementing a search function to query an API and display the data in the grid. I found that when you type anything into the search box, the column grouping will reset to its original state. For the life of me I cannot figure this out. I put everything into state, tried useMemo, useCallback and I still get this odd behavior.
Sample code below:
const App = () => {
const [colDefs, setColDefs] = React.useState(columnDefs);
const [searchString, setSearchString] = React.useState("");
const onSearchInput = React.useCallback((e) => {
}, []);
return (
<input type="text" onChange={onSearchInput} />
style={{ width: "100%", height: "80vh" }}
defaultColGroupDef={{ marryChildren: true }}
filter: false,
resizable: true,
wrapHeaderText: true,
autoHeaderHeight: true
I was able to fix this by moving the AG-Grid component to its own function component, and memoizing it with React.Memo
// ### GridComponent.js ###
import { AgGridReact } from "ag-grid-react";
export const GridComponent = React.memo((props) => {
const { colDefs, rowData } = props;
console.log(`Rendering ${rowData.length} rows`);
return (
style={{ width: "100%", height: "80vh" }}
defaultColGroupDef={{ marryChildren: true }}
filter: false,
resizable: true,
wrapHeaderText: true,
autoHeaderHeight: true
And calling the component with props:
// ## index.js ##
<GridComponent colDefs={colDefs} rowData={rowData} />
Complete example here, with some fake async data fetching operations.