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Change the structure of data in SAS

I have a set of SAS data in which each individual entry needs to be reassigned to a temporary dataset with only 2 variables: its color and the number. Right now the set is organized into columns like this:

Black Gray Red White
57 59 60 78
67 76 81 50
52 62 47 66

EDIT: The code I had set up was something like this, and I changed it with suggestion from answers on here.

    data Dataset1new;
    set Dataset1;
    input Color $ Number;
    do i = 1 to *# of array rows*;
        do j = 1 to *# of array columns*;
            Number = Dataset1[i + j - 1];
            Color = vname(Dataset1[i + j - 1]);

I originally thought about using a do statement to iterate over each entry, but am having difficulty setting it up.


  • Use an array and loop over every value. Use the name of the variable to identify its color.

    data want;
        set have;
        array c[*] Black--White;
        do i = 1 to dim(c);
            color = vname(c[i]);
            value = c[i];         
        keep color value;

    This is a more generalized way compared to stacking the data four times:

    data want;
        set have(in=b rename=(black=value))
            have(in=g rename=(gray=value))
            have(in=r rename=(red=value))
            have(in=w rename=(white=value))
            when(b) color='Black';
            when(g) color='Gray';
            when(r) color='Red';
            when(w) color='White';
        keep color value;
    color   value
    Black   57
    Gray    59
    Red     60
    White   78
    Black   67
    Gray    76
    Red     81
    White   50
    Black   52
    Gray    62
    Red     47
    White   66