I am trying to find a good solution for the following problem
I need to join sub-users to the main-users to get the company information, as well as doing the same for main-users
Users (contains sub and main users)
Company (contains company information for all users of this company)
when I search for the user with id 7, it should return the login and the contact address of this user. This is relatively easy because I simply join from Users to Company directly. However, this user 7 can also have a sub-user, which has user_id 11 and parent_user_id 7.
I first need to join from the parent_user_id 7 to the user 7, and then join from that user's company_id to the Company table to get the contact address.
The challenge here is that a main-user will have a parent_user_id of "NULL", therefore it cannot join from it's parent_user_id to its own user_id. This only works for sub-users.
What I did is a join( or_( ) ) for both parent's company_id as well as the user's company_id (after joining all the users to their parents).
Is this the most common solution for this problem? it seems a bit lengthy, requires aliases, outer joins and an or_ join to allow the two different types of users
user = Users.alias("user")
parent = Users.alias("parent")
company = Company.alias("company")
joined = user.join(parent, user.c.parent_user_id == parent.c.id, isouter=True)
joined = joined.join(company, or_(user.c.company_id == company.c.company_id, parent.c.company_id == company.c.company_id)
sql = select(user.c.id, user.c.login, company.c.contact_address).select_from(joined)
Maybe there is a "pattern" for this sort of problem? I have looked at reverse cte, but I'm not even sure if it applies to this case. There are only sub-users and no deeper nesting (and no "levels" of depth). Main-users simply have no parent_user_id
Edit: Ideally, I am looking for an SQLAlchemy core answer that doesnt use classes, therefore it only uses the metadata from the database using autoload
As commented, you solution is good enough, I think.
However, I usually try to "hide" implementation details for such tricky situations by encapsulating them into the responsible data class itself. In this case I would add a Hybrid Attribute to the User
class like so:
class User(...):
# relationships
parent_user = relationship("User", remote_side=[user_id], backref="subusers")
company = relationship(Company, backref="users")
def company_contact_address(self):
company = self.company or self.parent_user.company
return company.contact_address
def company_contact_address(cls):
PU = aliased(User)
user_id = case((cls.company_id.is_(None), cls.parent_user_id), else_=cls.user_id) # sqlite, universal?
return (
.join(PU, and_(Company.company_id == PU.company_id, PU.user_id==user_id))
in which case the usage becomes very clear:
query = select(User.user_id, User.login, User.company_contact_address)
for _row in session.execute(query):