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How to change the Caption property of a button on a subform from a module access vba

The problem;

Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method

I'm trying to dynamically load buttons based on the results of a query. I have a recordset setup to index through said results, and set the Captions on the buttons to match each individual result of the query. This code I initially had attached to the on open event of the subform that contains all the buttons. Each button has a set name. Command 1-15 on the first page, 16-30 on the second, etc. This code worked initially, but I wanted to move it into a module that way I could call it from any of the subforms instead of putting this large codeblock into each subforms on open event (12+). My first issue was trying to pinpoint the specific button with a variable which I was able to solve below. Forms![001_frm_Home]![Subform01]![Subform02].['uTargetButton'].Caption = Trim(rs!Itemkey)

I've tried every combination of quotes, setting the .Caption property to a variable and using the variable in the above line. I've seen a few posts on various forums saying this might not be possible for that I may need to define the command button as a command button in this function in order to access the .Caption property. I'll put the code block below;

Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rs.CursorType = 2 ' needed to set the recordset for updates
    rs.LockType = 2
    rs.Open strsql, con, 1   ' 1 = adOpenKeyset
    If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then ' We found a good number, ok to move on
        uButtonNumber = uStartButton
        uCount = 0
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            uButtonNumber = uButtonNumber + 1
            uCount = uCount + 1
            uTargetButton = "Command" & uButtonNumber
            Forms![001_frm_Home]![Subform01]![Subform02].['uTargetButton'].Caption = Trim(rs!Itemkey)
    Else 'No Record

Hopefully all that makes sense, let me know if any further info would help. Thanks in advance.


  • You must access the Form property of the Subform Control:

    Forms![001_frm_Home]![Subform01].Form!uTargetButton.Caption = "Hello"

    If you are calling this from the 001_frm_Home form, you can also write:

    Me![Subform01].Form!uTargetButton.Caption = "Hello"

    Explanation, when you add a subform to a form, a Subform control is added to the parent form. This Subform control has a property Source Object in the Data tab of the Property Sheet. Here you can select a form from a drop-down. The form selected as subform is available programmatically through the Form property.

    It seems that you have subforms nested twice. Then this would be:

    Forms![001_frm_Home]![Subform01].Form![Subform02].Form(uTargetButton).Caption = "x"

    Okay did not understand that uTargetButton was supposed to be a variable name, because you delimited it by single quotes.

    You can access a control by a name given as string with Form(nameAsString). The () are indexing the controls default collection. You could also write Form.Controls(nameAsString). This is also equivalent to Form.Controls!theName or Form!theName or Form![theName] where theName is the name not given as string.