I am using a Loki expression to monitor logs in Kubernetes pods. The expression is as follows:
count_over_time({job="namespace/files-lister"} |~`\[ftp-\[0-9\]+\] Files listing is on process`[1h]) > 1
This expression counts the occurrences of logs containing [ftp-<number>] Files listing is on process within the last 1 hour for the files-lister pod.
For example, if the logs for the last 1 hour are:
[ftp-23392] Files listing is on process
[ftp-12423] Files listing is on process
[ftp-12345] Files listed
[ftp-53433] Files listing is on process
[ftp-23392] Files listing is on process
[ftp-23392] Files listing is on process
I want the expression to return or alert for ftp-23392, as it appears more than once in the last 1 hour. However, my current approach queries all logs with other IDs as well.
Is it possible to dynamically return or alert for the specific ID (ftp-23392 in this case) that appears more than once within the last 1 hour? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
aggregates over labels. So to aggregate over name of the file in your logs you should extract that name into label.
This can be done with the regexp
count_over_time({job="namespace/files-lister"} | regexp `^\[(?P<file>ftp-\[0-9\]+)\] Files listing is on process` [1h]) > 1
This query will result with number of each file appearances in logs over last hour, and name of the corresponding file will be stored in the label file