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Escape cron job definition when exporting env variables along with xargs

I'm trying to write a script that requires to export some env variables by reading the values and names from an .env file.

Here's an example of the .env file:

PIPELINE_CRON='0 0 0/6 * * ?'

And in the file I'm exporting the variables using the following code:

if [ -f "./.env" ]; then
  echo "** Using data from .env file **"
  export $(cat .env | xargs)

But I'm getting this error:

➜ ./
./ line 5: export: `0': not a valid identifier
./ line 5: export: `0/6': not a valid identifier
./ line 5: export: `': not a valid identifier
./ line 5: export: `': not a valid identifier
./ line 5: export: `': not a valid identifier
./ line 5: export: `?': not a valid identifier

I've been testing some solutions I found in other post but is not working.

Using the -d '\n' option will not work as I am working on macOS:

➜ xargs -d
xargs: illegal option -- d
usage: xargs [-0opt] [-E eofstr] [-I replstr [-R replacements] [-S replsize]]
             [-J replstr] [-L number] [-n number [-x]] [-P maxprocs]
             [-s size] [utility [argument ...]]


  • If I'm understanding your requirement correctly, you may want to say:

    if [[ -f ".env" ]]; then
        echo "** Using data from .env file **"
        set -a                              # set "allexport" option
        source ".env"                       # the variables are exported
        set +a                              # reset "allexport" option
    # export -p                             # uncomment to see exported variables