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Run cleanup with elevated privileges after uninstalling related bundle during upgrade

I have a WiX 3.11-based bundle installer with a managed bootstrapper application.

I want to perform a cleanup action at the end of the installer, after removing a related bundle during upgrade. The cleanup action requires elevated privileges.

From what I understand, the removal of related bundles always happens at the end of the install chain, so I can't specify an ExePackage that will run after that. Is there any workaround here?

I can't run the cleanup action in the managed bootstrapper application process, since it is not elevated.

I've found some people mention that it's possible to spin up a background process from the MBA that runs as administrator. That seems messy though, since I think it would cause a second elevation prompt (the first being at the beginning of the install execute phase). But it may be my only option.


  • You want ApprovedExeForElevation. It lets BAs launch elevated processes via the elevated engine process. See also WiX Burn Bundle Custom UI LaunchApprovedExe.