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Get list of values at specific position in TinyDB

I have a TinyDB for Python and the data with multiple lines in the structure {'service': {'key1': '', 'key2': '', 'key3': '', 'key4': '', 'key5': ''}}

I wanted to get only "service" from all the lines of the database assuming the "service" real name is not known.

How to achieve with tinyDB Query()?

db.all()[0] just give entire line in index 0.

I am expecting to get only "service".


  • It's a bit tricky:

    >>> list(db.all()[0].keys())[0]
    >>> list(db.all()[0].values())
    [{'key1': '', 'key2': '', 'key3': '', 'key4': '', 'key5': ''}]