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Two loan amortisation functions giving different results

I have the following:


mortgage <- function(P = 500000, I = 6, L = 30, amort = TRUE) {
  J <- I / (12 * 100)
  N <- 12 * L
  M <- P * J / (1 - (1 + J)^(-N))
  monthPay <<- M
  # Calculate Amortization for each Month
  if (amort == TRUE) {
    Pt <- P # current principal or amount of the loan
    currP <- NULL
    while (Pt >= 0) {
      H <- Pt * J # this is the current monthly interest
      C <- M - H # this is your monthly payment minus your monthly interest, so it is the amount of principal you pay for that month
      Q <- Pt - C # this is the new balance of your principal of your loan
      Pt <- Q # sets P equal to Q and goes back to step 1. The loop continues until the value Q (and hence P) goes to zero
      currP <- c(currP, Pt)
    monthP <- c(P, currP[1:(length(currP) - 1)]) - currP
    aDFmonth <<- data.frame(
      Month = 1:length(currP),
      Year = sort(rep(1:ceiling(N / 12), 12))[1:length(monthP)],
      Balance = c(currP[1:(length(currP))]),
      Payment = monthP + c((monthPay - monthP)[1:(length(monthP))]),
      Principal = monthP,
      Interest = c((monthPay - monthP)[1:(length(monthP))])
    aDFmonth <<- subset(aDFmonth, Year <= L * 12)
    aDFyear <- data.frame(
      Amortization = tapply(aDFmonth$Balance, aDFmonth$Year, max),
      Annual_Payment = tapply(aDFmonth$Payment, aDFmonth$Year, sum),
      Annual_Principal = tapply(aDFmonth$Principal, aDFmonth$Year, sum),
      Annual_Interest = tapply(aDFmonth$Interest, aDFmonth$Year, sum),
      Year = as.factor(na.omit(unique(aDFmonth$Year)))
    aDFyear <<- aDFyear
  # if (plotData == TRUE) {
  #   aDFyear2 <- aDFyear %>%
  #     rename(
  #       Interest = Annual_Interest,
  #       Payment = Annual_Payment,
  #       Principal = Annual_Principal
  #     )
  #   aDFyear2$Year <- as.factor(aDFyear2$Year)
  #   aDFyear2 <- melt(aDFyear2[, c("Interest", "Principal", "Year")], id.vars = "Year")
  #   ggplot(aDFyear2, aes(x = Year, y = value, fill = variable)) +
  #     geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
  #     labs(y = "Payment") +
  #     scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
  #     theme_minimal() +
  #     theme(legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "top")
  # }

m = mortgage(P = 200000, I = 2, L = 25, amort = TRUE)
m %>% 

  Month Year  Balance  Payment Principal Interest
1     1    1 199485.6 847.7087  514.3753 333.3333
2     2    1 198970.4 847.7087  515.2326 332.4760
3     3    1 198454.3 847.7087  516.0914 331.6173
4     4    1 197937.3 847.7087  516.9515 330.7572
5     5    1 197419.5 847.7087  517.8131 329.8956
6     6    1 196900.9 847.7087  518.6761 329.0326

amort.table(Loan = 200000, n = 12*25, i = 0.02, pf = 12) %>%
  .[[1]] %>% 

  Year Payment Interest Paid Principal Paid  Balance
1 0.08  845.95        330.32         515.63 199484.4
2 0.17  845.95        329.46         516.48 198967.9
3 0.25  845.95        328.61         517.34 198450.5
4 0.33  845.95        327.76         518.19 197932.4
5 0.42  845.95        326.90         519.05 197413.3
6 0.50  845.95        326.04         519.90 196893.4

The amort.table() is taken from the financialMath package and the mortgage function from here:

I am trying to replicate the mortgage function using the amort.table() function but I get slightly different results.

The payment and principal is only slightly out on both functions but this causes very different results over the whole term of the loan. Looking at the shiny App version here ( ) we see the following summary:

Principal (loan amount): 200,000
Annual interest rate: 2%
Term: 25 years (300 months)
Monthly payment: 847.71
Total cost: 200,000 (principal) + 54,312.6 (interest) = 254,312.6

However, when I run the following:

> amort.table(Loan = 200000, n = 12*25, i = 0.02, pf = 12) %>% 
+   .[[2]]
Loan           200000.00000000
Total Paid     253784.16000000
Total Interest  53784.16000000
Eff Rate            0.02000000
i^(12)              0.01981898

The total interest paid is out by a $1,000 ( 54,312.6 vs 53,784.16)

How can I make the amort.table() function produce the same results as the mortgage function?


  • We notice i^(12) is 0.01981898 in amort.table and this should be 2. This is because the relationship between the effective annual interest rate and monthly interest rate is not simply effective annual interest rate/12 = monthly interest rate.

    Replace i with the actual interest rate would yield desired results:

    amort.table(Loan = 200000, n = 12*25, i = (1+0.02/12)^12-1, pf = 12) %>%
      .[[1]] %>%
      Year Payment Interest Paid Principal Paid  Balance
    1 0.08  847.71        333.33         514.38 199485.6
    2 0.17  847.71        332.48         515.23 198970.4
    3 0.25  847.71        331.62         516.09 198454.3
    4 0.33  847.71        330.76         516.95 197937.4
    5 0.42  847.71        329.90         517.81 197419.5
    6 0.50  847.71        329.03         518.68 196900.9
    amort.table(Loan = 200000, n = 12*25, i = (1+0.02/12)^12-1, pf = 12) %>%
    Loan           2.000000e+05
    Total Paid     2.543126e+05
    Total Interest 5.431260e+04
    Eff Rate       2.018436e-02
    i^(12)         2.000000e-02