I am writing code in Python, and I have a list of id's: [14503, 14504, 14505, ...]
And I would like to write a SQL query to query a database, specifically the following very basic table
id val
14501 0
14502 1
14504 0
The table consists of a bunch of id's (I'm not sure if they are unique), and val
, which is either a 0 or 1.
For my list of id's I would like to write a query that returns any id that has a val = 1
- is this possible?
I suppose the difficult part for me is incorporating the list of Python id's, as there are several hundred thousand of them.
Otherwise the SQL code is trivial:
SELECT id from sval where val=1
I would do it using jsonb
since, in my experience, passing an in
list blows up after some number of elements.
This code works for me on my machine and database:
import json
import psycopg2
with psycopg2.connect() as conn, conn.cursor() as cur:
ids_to_check = [1, 10, 20, 900]
select jsonb_agg(u.id)
from jsonb_array_elements_text(%s) as e(id)
join users u on u.id = e.id::int
""", (json.dumps(ids_to_check), )
result = cur.fetchone()[0]