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Is it possible to add pgvector extension on top of postgres:15.3-alpine images

I'm trying to dockerize pg-vector and I found this Dockerfile from the official repository.

The Dockerfile currently uses postgres base image right now, I'm wondering if I can add the pgvector extension on top of the alpine images. If not, what are other possible options?


  • This extension of the Alpine docker image worked for me:

    $ cat Dockerfile
    FROM postgres:14.4-alpine AS pgvector-builder
    RUN apk add git
    RUN apk add build-base
    RUN apk add clang
    RUN apk add llvm13-dev
    WORKDIR /home
    RUN git clone --branch v0.4.4
    WORKDIR /home/pgvector
    RUN make
    RUN make install
    FROM postgres:14.4-alpine
    COPY --from=pgvector-builder /usr/local/lib/postgresql/bitcode/vector.index.bc /usr/local/lib/postgresql/bitcode/vector.index.bc
    COPY --from=pgvector-builder /usr/local/lib/postgresql/ /usr/local/lib/postgresql/
    COPY --from=pgvector-builder /usr/local/share/postgresql/extension /usr/local/share/postgresql/extension
    $ docker build -t postgres:14.4-alpine-pgvector .