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Spring app returns CassandraConnectionFailureException due to NoNodeAvailableException: No node was available to execute the query

We have added 1 more dc to existing cluster. Application was deployed in each region separately. After adding the DC & region wise application deployment, We started seeing the below exception even though all nodes in the both data-centers up and running normal. We're using correct data center name in application deployment. I'm not sure why we are seeing these exceptions. The application was running as expected in new datacenter & having issues with existing datacenter and it's intermittent.

DB version: 4.0.1 Driver Version : 4.11.3 DataStax Java OSS driver.

Error Details: ReactivePreparedStatementCallback; CQL [INSERT INTO product_by_Itemid (Itemid,data) VALUES (?,?) USING TTL 60]; No node was available to execute the query; nested exception is com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.NoNodeAvailableException: No node was available to execute the query

Can anyone please suggest what could be the wrong ?

Regards, Mani


  • The Cassandra Java driver throws NoNodeAvailableException in the following scenarios:

    • all nodes are down and unavailable, or
    • all the configured contact points are invalid.

    Check that you have the correct contact points configured. Do not add hosts or IPs that belong to another DC. Cheers!