I want to mock a webclient post call using Mockito. But when mocking the post call I get a null pointer exception with the stacktrace:
Cannot invoke "org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient$RequestBodyUriSpec.uri(String, Object[])" because the return value of "org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.post()" is null
My code
class ServiceTest {
lateinit var mockWebClient: WebClient
fun webclientMockedTest() {
`when`(mockWebClient.post().uri("/path").body(Mono.just(request), request::class.java)
I was trying to mock webclient post call with the request and response DTO, however I am getting NPE. I am using mock.mockito.MockBean and Mockito.when
I was able to mock the webclient using the following method which takes uri, requestDTO, responseDTO as input and return and mock webclient.
fun createMockWebClient(uri: String, requestDTO: Any, responseDTO: Any): WebClient {
// Create the mock objects
val mockWebClient = mock(WebClient::class.java)
val requestBodyUriMock = mock(WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec::class.java)
val requestBodyMock = mock(WebClient.RequestBodySpec::class.java)
val requestHeadersMock = mock(WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec::class.java)
val responseSpecMock = mock(WebClient.ResponseSpec::class.java)
val responseMock = mock(ClientResponse::class.java)
// Configure the mock objects
return mockWebClient