I'm adding MudBlazor to my first Blazer Server project. I'm trying to tweak the looks of the MudTable to match other projects. I was able to get the header background color to change but I'm not able to figure out what needs to change to make the text white. I would also like to change the left border of each header cell to match that of the border.
This is the CSS I added to get the background color correct but the text is not getting changed to white.
.mud-table-header {
background-color: #0078d2;
color: white !important;
<MudTable Items="@listApplications" Dense="true" Hover="true" Bordered="true" Striped="true" HeaderClass="mud-table-header"
Filter="new Func<UsersAdminApp,bool>(FilterFunc1)" @bind-SelectedItem="selectedApplication">
<MudTableSortLabel Enabled="true" InitialDirection="SortDirection.Ascending" SortBy="new Func<UsersAdminApp, object>(x=>x.Name)">Name</MudTableSortLabel>
To change the color of the MudTable
headers, you can target either the mud-table-cell
CSS class or the th
.mud-table-header {
background-color: #0078d2;
.mud-table-header .mud-table-cell{
color: white !important;