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echarts4r pie chart highlight colour

I have a dataset in a similar format to the below. I would like to highlight the "blue_wedge" class in one colour (e.g., blue) and for all other wedges (in this example "2nd" and "3rd" classes) to share a second colour (e.g., "grey") -- helping me better highlight the proportion of "deaths" for whatever the "blue_wedge" value happens to be.

Titanic <-

blue_wedge <- "1st"

Titanic %>% 
  filter(Class %in% c('1st','2nd','3rd')) %>% 
  group_by(Class) %>% 
  summarise(People = sum(Freq)) %>% 
  e_charts(Class) %>%  
  e_pie(People, radius = c("50%", "70%"), legend = FALSE)

I have tried looking at other similar questions (e.g., How to set fixed colors for each value in echarts4r?), but haven't had any success so far. Any help really appreciated.



  • Here is one option to create a vector of colors which could then be used in e_color to achieve your desired result:

    library(dplyr, warn = FALSE)
    cols <- rep("grey", nlevels(factor(Titanic$Class)))
    cols[levels(factor(Titanic$Class)) == blue_wedge] <- "blue"
    Titanic %>%
      filter(Class %in% c("1st", "2nd", "3rd")) %>%
      group_by(Class) %>%
      summarise(People = sum(Freq)) %>%
      e_charts(Class) %>%
      e_pie(People, radius = c("50%", "70%"), legend = FALSE) %>%
      e_color(color = cols)

    enter image description here