I need to some how get the tick data for BTCUSDT for specific days. This is the raw tick data, the ( Last Price ) I will attach an image of a chart from TV and the price that shows on the right that moves up and down every second, I need that price but I need it for 1 month.
I have tried the following sites to obtain it but I am probably missing something or just dont know how to get the BTCUSDT 1 second raw tick data for 1 month.
I just need to know how to obtain Binance BTCUSDT 1 second raw tick data (last price) for the month of July would be great.
Binance provides some of its historical trading data on the binance.vision
domain. Specifically, the 1 second klines for BTCUSDT pair can be found here: https://data.binance.vision/?prefix=data/spot/daily/klines/BTCUSDT/1s/
Here's a sample bash script that downloads and unpacks the raw data for the whole month:
for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 1 31) # zero-padded days 01, 02, 03, ... 31
# month of july 2023, day number is the `i` variable
# download the .zip, extract it (saves .csv), and remove the .zip
wget "https://data.binance.vision/data/spot/daily/klines/BTCUSDT/1s/${archiveName}" && unzip "./${archiveName}" && rm "./${archiveName}"
As mentioned in their GitHub readme, each of the the .csv
lines contains the following field values:
Open time | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | Close time | Quote asset volume | Number of trades | Taker buy base asset volume | Taker buy quote asset volume | Ignore |
So for example, the file BTCUSDT-1s-2023-07-01.csv
containing this first line
enables you to calculate this:
(July 1st, 2023 0:00:00 UTC)1688169600999
(July 1st, 2023 0:00:00.999 UTC)30471.99
USDT for 1 BTC30472.00
USDT for 1 BTC30471.99
USDT for 1 BTC
USDT for 1 BTC