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Echarts4r polar barchart can't show a third data field in the tooltip

I was trying to create a polar barchart with the echarts4r library and the chart is generated properly. I have x, y, and z fields in the dataset. To generate the chart we need only the x and y fields. Now I want to show x, y and z in the tooltip. x and yare showing well in the tooltip, however the z value is undefined. See below an example code:


# create example dataset
df <- data.frame(x = c("A", "B", "C"), y = c(10, 20, 30), z = c("foo", "bar", "baz"))

# create polar bar chart
df %>%
  e_charts(x) %>%
  e_bar(y, coord_system = "polar") %>%
  e_angle_axis(startAngle = 90, max = 150, axisLine = list(show = FALSE), axisTick = list(show = FALSE),
               splitLine = list(show = FALSE), axisLabel = list(show = FALSE)) %>%
  e_radius_axis(type = "category", data = df$x, axisLabel = list(interval =0,margin = 50, fontSize= 15, color = 'black'),
                axisLine = list(show = FALSE), axisTick = list(show = FALSE), z = 10) %>% 
  e_polar() %>%
  e_legend(show = FALSE) %>%
  e_tooltip(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
    function(params) {
      return + '<br>' + params.value + '<br>' +;

How can I also show the z value in the tooltip?


  • You first have to include the values of z into your chart. This is usually not very difficult using e_add_nested(), however, there seems to be a bug in combination with e_polar().

    In order to get it work, I used the fix_add_nested function from this very good answer. If you include this, you can access the z values using

    enter image description here

    # create example dataset
    df <- data.frame(x = c("A", "B", "C"), y = c(10, 20, 30), z = c("foo", "bar", "baz"))
    fix_add_nested <- function(e) {
        e$x$opts$series[[1]]$data <- lapply(
            function(x) { names(x) <- c("value", "itemStyle"); x }
    # create polar bar chart
    df %>%
        e_charts(x) %>%
        e_bar(y, coord_system = "polar") %>%
        e_angle_axis(startAngle = 90, max = 150, axisLine = list(show = FALSE), axisTick = list(show = FALSE),
                     splitLine = list(show = FALSE), axisLabel = list(show = FALSE)) %>%
        e_radius_axis(type = "category", data = df$x, axisLabel = list(interval =0,margin = 50, fontSize= 15, color = 'black'),
                      axisLine = list(show = FALSE), axisTick = list(show = FALSE), z = 10) %>% 
        e_polar() %>%
        e_legend(show = FALSE) %>%
        e_add_nested("values", z) %>%
        fix_add_nested() %>% 
        e_tooltip(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
        function(params) {
          return + '<br>' + params.value + '<br>' +;