I need to add to my Cypher query's return statement the following Pattern comprehension:
[ (rc:Criterion) WHERE rc.id IN childD.replaceableCriterionIds | {entity: rc} ] AS decisionReplaceableCriteria
but it fails with the following exception:
Caused by: org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException: Invalid input 'WHERE': expected "-", "<", <ARROW_LEFT_HEAD> or <ARROW_LINE>
It only works when I'm adding the redundant relationship with another node
[ (rc:Criterion)-[:CREATED_BY]->(:User) WHERE rc.id IN childD.replaceableCriterionIds | {entity: rc} ] AS decisionReplaceableCriteria
The following part is absolutely redundant for my needs:
Is it possible to rewrite my pattern comprehension to avoid such redundant syntax?
If you are using Neo4j 5.6+, you can use the COLLECT subquery. Here is a sample snippet:
MATCH (rc:Criterion)
WHERE rc.id IN childD.replaceableCriterionIds
RETURN {entity: rc}
} AS decisionReplaceableCriteria
In prior versions of Neo4j, you can try a hack:
RETURN [ (rc:Criterion)-[*0]->() WHERE rc.id IN childD.replaceableCriterionIds | {entity: rc} ] AS decisionReplaceableCriteria
This uses a variable-length path pattern specifying a length of 0. If you want to see if this variable-length path pattern causes any DB hits, PROFILE your query and look at the VarLengthExpand
operation's "db hits".