I tried to get the date frame using this function but I cant get it right, as I am trying to Write a function to return a data frame containing 5-day weather forecasts for a list of cities but I do not know what is missing. Here I using openweathermap.org for the weather data. Thanks.
# Get forecast data for a given city list
get_weather_forecaset_by_cities <- function(city_names){
df <- data.frame()
for (city_name in city_names){
# Forecast API URL
forecast_url <- 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast'
# Create query parameters
forecast_query <- list(q = city_name, appid = "b0847c4a1554d3c63d46d0e9249500f0", units="metric")
# Make HTTP GET call for the given city
responce<- GET(forecast_url, query= forecast_query)
json_result <- content(responce, as="parsed")
# Note that the 5-day forecast JSON result is a list of lists. You can print the reponse to check the results
result <- json_result
# Loop the json result
for(result in results) {
city <- c(city, city_name)
# Add the R Lists into a data frame
# $weather is also a list with one element, its $main element indicates the weather status such as clear or rain
city <- c(result$city$name)
weather <- c( result$weather[[1]]$main)
# Get Visibility
visibility <- c( result$visibility)
# Get current temperature
temp <- c(result$main$temp)
# Get min temperature
temp_min <- c( result$main$temp_min)
# Get max temperature
temp_max <- c( result$main$temp_max)
# Get pressure
pressure <- c( result$main$pressure)
# Get humidity
humidity <- c(result$main$humidity)
# Get wind speed
wind_speed <- c( result$wind$speed)
# Get wind direction
wind_deg <- c( result$wind$deg)
weather_data_frame <- data.frame(city,
# Return a data frame
cities <- c("Seoul", "Washington, D.C.", "Paris", "Suzhou")
cities_weather_df <- get_weather_forecaset_by_cities(cities)
I was finally able to do it after long time and multiple tries, here is the complete code, you just need to add your API Key
# Get forecast data for a given city list
get_weather_forecaset_by_cities <- function(city_names) {
df <- data.frame()
for (city_name in city_names) {
# Forecast API URL
forecast_url <- "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast"
# Create query parameters
forecast_query <- list(q = city_name, appid = "***API Key***", units = "metric")
# Make HTTP GET call for the given city
forecast_response <- GET(forecast_url, query = forecast_query)
# Note that the 5-day forecast JSON result is a list of lists. You can print the response to check the results
forecast_json_list <- content(forecast_response, as = "parsed")
results <- forecast_json_list$list
result <- c(1:40)
# Loop the json result
for (x in result) {
city <- c(city, city_name)
# $weather is also a list with one element, its $main element indicates the weather status such as clear or rain
weather <- c(weather, results[[x]]$weather[[1]]$main)
# Get Visibility
visibility <- c(visibility, results[[x]]$visibility)
# Get current temperature
temp <- c(temp, results[[x]]$main$temp)
# Get min temperature
temp_min <- c(temp_min, results[[x]]$main$temp_min)
# Get max temperature
temp_max <- c(temp_max, results[[x]]$main$temp_max)
# Get pressure
pressure <- c(pressure, results[[x]]$main$pressure)
# Get humidity
humidity <- c(humidity, results[[x]]$main$humidity)
# Get wind speed
wind_speed <- c(wind_speed, results[[x]]$wind$speed)
# Get wind direction
wind_deg <- c(wind_deg, results[[x]]$wind$deg)
# Get forcast_datetime
forecast_datetime <- c(forecast_datetime, results[[x]]$dt_txt)
# Add the R Lists into a data frame
df <- data.frame(
city = city, weather = weather,
visibility = visibility,
temp = temp,
temp_min = temp_min,
temp_max = temp_max,
pressure = pressure,
humidity = humidity,
wind_speed = wind_speed,
wind_deg = wind_deg,
# Return a data frame