I'm trying to setup a context provider for a parent component:
import React from "react";
export type RootStackParamList = {
Home: undefined;
ReactQuiz: undefined;
type Score = {
correct: number,
incorrect: number
export type ReactQuizContextType = {
score: Score;
setScore: (score: Score) => void;
export const ReactQuizContext = React.createContext<ReactQuizContextType>({
score: {
correct: 0,
incorrect: 0
setScore: () => void
export const useReactQuizContext = () => React.useContext(ReactQuizContext);
But I'm not sure how to type the setScore function, I'll be passing the following state as a value to the provider:
const [score, setScore] = React.useState({
correct: 0,
incorrect: 0,
But I can't type the function in the context using the same type ts is giving me:
correct: number;
incorrect: number;
I tried typing the function with:
() => void;
(score: Score) => void
but that doesn't seem to work either. Any ideas?
The type that you are trying to use for the setScore
is correct. The problem is with the initial value of it. void
is not a valid thing in Javascript.
You can replace it with:
setScore: () => {},