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Spring WebClient map error to response in HEAD request

I want to handle a HEAD endpoint so that if the HTTP status is successful, I return true. If it's 404, I return false. Else, I want to throw different exceptions.

I currently have the following:

    boolean head(String param) {
        return webClient.head()
            .exchangeToMono(response -> {
                    return Mono.just(Boolean.TRUE);
                } else if (response.statusCode().equals(NOT_FOUND)){
                    return Mono.just(Boolean.FALSE);
                //what to do here?

My mapErrorFunction is already in use by other methods, and it's the one I want to use since depending on the raised exception, one thing or another will be done. However, it requires a parameter of type Throwable which I don't have when reaching the end of the exchangeToMono block, to I can't do this.mapErrorFunction at that point.

For the record, the successful and the 404 cases are properly working.

How can I do this? Maybe exchangeToMono is not the right option here.


  • The answer is to throw the exception after the if else and let the onErrorMap method handle it:

       boolean head(String param) {
            return Boolean.TRUE.equals(webClient.head()
            .exchangeToMono(response -> {
                if (response.statusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) {
                    return Mono.just(Boolean.TRUE);
                } else if (response.statusCode().equals(NOT_FOUND)) {
                    return Mono.just(Boolean.FALSE);
                return response.createException().flatMap(Mono::error);