I want ClassSerializerInterceptor
to make my response body match response type, currently it doesn't work and still returns all the fields that are returned from function.
Example of my response DTO:
export class SignedInUserDTO extends PartialType(
PickType(User, ['id', 'email', 'role']),
) {
accessToken: string;
For my DTO I also tried to attach @Exclude()
, but this had no effect.
async signUp(@Body() signInUserDto: SignInUserDTO): Promise<SignedInUserDTO> {
return this.authService.signIn(signInUserDto);
How I set up interceptor in main.ts
app.useGlobalInterceptors(new ClassSerializerInterceptor(app.get(Reflector)));
I also tried to attach it directly to route like this:
But neither method works. I really have no clue what is wrong here, any thoughts?
I've played around for a few more hours, it's working with another route which just returns user from database, fields marked with @Exclude()
are not returned, which is correct, yet it still doesn't work for other routes, even using plainToInstance()
So this is happening because plain object is returned from response, but ClassSerializerInterceptor
can work only with classes.
I used approach like this: https://gist.github.com/ibayazit/dee57afc274297490e7265bcf4da63ab
And now for every route that returns plain object I attach @Serialize()
Still I'd prefer to set this up on global level, any suggestions on that are higly appreciated.