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Is there a JQuery event that detects mere presence?

I'm using an ajax call to render a partial. The problem is that when the call finishes, my jquery code applies to the newly inserted HTML only if I use the live() method (as far as I understand).

I've successfully used the live() method for those selectors that have 'click' events attached to them. Example:

$('.course_name_click').live('click', function(e) {

But I'm not sure how to use live() for a simple hide() function. That is, I'd like an HTML snippet to be hidden when it first appears. I thought load() might work, but it doesn't. Any suggestions?

$('.descrip_body').live('load', function(e) {

Just to be clear, I want to transform


to a version that uses live().

In response to an answer, tried to attach a hide() callback to the AJAX request. But it still didn't work (i.e. the relevant HTMl wasn't hidden). Here's that code:

$("#courses_body").html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'courses') %>", function() {


  • Two questions:

    1- Can't you load your html with a class that has a display:none style already?

    2- Could you not put your $('.descrip_body').hide(); code on your success callback function?

    I know this is not exactly what you asked, but they might work as well...